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Etusivu Lomake vastaukset

Kitarakuja 1 A 013 vastauskooste

Meillä pidetään arvossa
Omat astiat omassa käytössä, Oma huone on yksityistä tilaa, Jaamme kustannukset, Vieraista ilmoitetaan etukäteen
Pidämme asunnon hiljaisena
Olemme perussiistejä
Harrastamme yhdessä
Arvostamme omaa aikaa, emme harrasta yhdessä
Terveiset tulevalle asukkaalle
Hello! Nice to e-meet you and looking forward to seeing you in person. Nothing special about us 🤷‍♀️ All we can say is that this apartment for us is a “safe space” to relax after busy and tiring day from university/work. Therefore we try to keep it as peaceful as possible and respect each other’s privacy. We use headphones while listening to music or watching something since the walls are quite thin. Also we do always clean after ourselves in the kitchen and maintaining the good level of cleanliness is one of the main common rules. We do have and use our own dishes however we buy together dishwashing liquid, toilet papers and so on. We don’t do parties, however having friends over for dinner is completely okay as long as other flatmates are informed about that in advance (no need to inform anyone if your friend is coming for casual hangout and common spaces won’t be occupied for a long time). We make sure our guests also behave according to Hoas and our rules. Having guest overnight/for several days is completely okay as long as the other tenants are informed about it in advance, and the silent hours and common rules are respected. We do really hope for peaceful, collaborative cooperation to make this apartment feel like home for all of us 🙏

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